Feeding Curiosity explores the precarity of human experience. Through conversation, we aim to provide blueprints for others to learn and lead more fulfilling lives. We challenge ourselves and others to think, question, and synthesize wherever their curiosity takes them.





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Several journalism agencies broke news in the early morning hours of Thursday, May 21, 2023 that the Trump administration plans to withdraw from the ‘Open Skies Treaty’ the next day of May 22…

A meditation on how individuals are able to, or come to be able to, do horrible things. Relying on his own experience, and the work of Stanford researcher and professor Philip Zimbardo, Joe Jackowski dives into the nature of evil.

If you’ve ever thought about leaving the cubicles behind, you should know that working at home does more than simply keep you out of the office gossip. There are some significant benefits to carving out a corner of your living space for a home office. And if you struggle with depression or anxiety, the flexibility of working at home, and especially working for yourself, may be exactly what the doctor ordered. Keep reading for the top benefits of a work-at-home lifestyle.

In the present study, we sought to examine how military personnel make meaning out of their
military vs. civilian life experiences, and the degree to which meaning violation impacts their
efforts. Veterans anonymously engaged in writing reflective essays, one about a military-related
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you usage depending on the condition, and no significant correlations were found between
meaning violation and generic you, active duty military personnel were much less likely to use
generic-you than inactive, a category comprised of reservists/national guard, those who served in
both active duty and the reserves/national guard, and other, suggesting an impact on meaning

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Human beings are inherently limited. The burdens of life cannot be addressed at once, shrugged off our shoulders or borne alone. Every action is taken at the consequence of another action and every goal is asserted at the cost of another goal. One could choose the pursuit of food over sex, or the pursuit of money over relaxation, but all too often the simultaneous pursuits of these goals are impossible - or at least cause tension. Human evolution is no different.

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I love art. Music, film, drawing and photography. All of these mediums have a place under the general umbrella of art, but there are certainly forms of these mediums that we wouldn’t consider art…